Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery for PCOS Patients

PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is the condition in which formation of multiple cysts takes place along the edge of the ovaries. PCOS can cause various problems in women during their reproductive age.

One of the common causes of PCOS is obesity. According to studies, 50% of the women who were diagnosed with PCOS are obese. PCOS can also cause rapid weight gain. If you are obese and suffering from PCOS, considering weight loss surgery will benefit you a lot.

Weight loss surgery gives successful weight reduction

One of the most obvious benefits of weight loss surgery is successful weight reduction. The surgery reduces your stomach size thus makes you to eat less portions. Losing weight with PCOS can be very difficult, so many people with PCOS undergo the surgery to take control over their weight.

Weight loss surgery regulates your insulin levels

Insulin resistance is the most common problem for people with PCOS. Insulin resistance makes your blood unable to remove the excess sugar. When your body can’t metabolize the sugar properly, then it can lead to type 2 diabetes. Weight loss surgery can help your body in regulating the insulin. Though the surgery can’t cure the syndrome, it can significantly help manage the insulin problems.(Weight loss surgery and diabetes)

Weight loss surgery decreases risk of heart disease

Obesity is one of the most leading causes of heart disease. Women with PCOS are even at higher risk of heart disease as is combined with obesity. Studies conducted on patients with PCOS who gone through weight loss surgery reduces their threat of heart disease by 20%-80% within a decade of the surgery.(Weight loss surgery to reduce heart disease risk)

While any kind of surgery involves certain risks, for few patients the benefits far outweigh the risks. You need to consult your doctor to find out whether you are a good candidate for weight loss surgery.

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13. April 2013 06:28 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Exercise May Speed Up Your Weight Loss After Gastric Bypass

A new study suggests that people who have undergone weight loss surgery to manage their obesity may lose more weight when they follow regular exercise regimen.

Nowadays more and more adults are considering gastric bypass surgery in an effort to lose weight. Weight loss procedures that restrict the amount of food you take can drive considerable weight loss and also help to control diseases related to obesity such as diabetes.

Regular workout is a well-known method to keep your body weight in control. It is not yet evident whether people who begin exercise after gastric bypass fare any better than people who stay sedentary. The new research suggests that they do.

Researchers found that people who became more active after the surgery lost more weight than those who remain active. Just like your new lifestyle involves eating smaller portions and sticking with low fat foods, you need to make physical activity a part of your daily routine for the success of your weight loss surgery. Also, remember that weight loss surgery is not to become skinny, but to become healthy. Also, the goal is not to look better, but also to live longer.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

26. March 2013 09:59 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Risk Of Obesity On Expecting Mothers

Healthy weight is most recommended for women who want to conceive. In obese women, fatty ovaries can cause harm to the embryonic development and finally lead to failed pregnancies. Recent study stated that women to avoid being overweight if they want to become pregnant.

Also, the research explained why obese women and women with diabetes often find difficult to conceive. These women tend to metabolize more stored fat that lead to increased fatty acid levels in the ovaries.

Research discovered that embryos made from the fat filled eggs had very few cells and underwent variations in genes and metabolic activities. Also, the higher levels of fatty acids can greatly affect egg development in the ovaries. Embryos that produce successful pregnancies tended to have a quieter, less active metabolism.

When eggs were exposed to higher fatty acids, then it results in increased amino acid metabolism and distorted oxygen consumption, glucose consumption and lactate. All these can lead to impaired metabolic regulation and decreased viability.

Obese women who want to become pregnant can consider bariatric surgery for weight loss. Here you can find more information on how weight loss surgery affects your pregnancy.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

4. March 2013 11:23 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Celebrity Diet Secretes

Many people have many doubts regarding celebrity figure and beauty. Generally common people will not have such great figure as celebrities have and they wonder how they have and try for it by many methods.

Maintaining the figure is not a one-day task, it is a long term goal. They concentrate on their eating habits and do lots of exercises daily to reduce the fat. Apart from gym and diet, there are many other things to follow to appear beautiful and to be fit. You do not have to lose weight to look beautiful; you can look as if you lose weight by having proper sleep and having workouts.  Walking also helps to reduce weight and be active. It reduces puffiness of eyes and smoothens the under eyes.

For best results, you can hydrate your body by taking liquids like coconut water and juices. They take liquid food before and after travelling to hydrate the body and keep it shining. Liquids allow the body to relax and prevent it from bloating. Avoid high sodium foods like canned soup, which causes water retention.  Salt should also be avoided as they create bloat.

Here are some more celebrity diet secrets

Ø  Avoid vegetables and food, which produce gas. Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage are some of the vegetables which have to be avoided to reduce dreaded ballooning.

Ø  Do not eat chewing gums. Chewing gums will make the body to think that you are eating and produce the chemicals necessary for breaking the food. In the absence of food, these chemicals release acid and cause difficulties in digestion.

Ø  Reduce the intake of carbohydrates as one gram of carbohydrate holds about 4 to 5 grams of water. Eat food, which has fewer carbohydrates.

Ø  Adapt to foods, which have diuretic properties. They help in getting rid of excess water. Some of these foods are asparagus and beetroots.

Ø  Some people do not have digesting capacity sometimes, so they need to cut down the intake of chicken and read meat at this time. Some fish and seafood are digested very easily so you can take those foods.

Ø  Reduce foods, which have concentrated amounts of additives as they cause bloating.

At the end of the day, you should see to it that you take right amount of vitamins and calories to maintain a good look. Most of the celebrities will be very conscious on the diet they have so they maintain a beautiful body. 

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

16. January 2013 10:20 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss and Sleep Quality


For most of the people, if they find the way to reduce their excess weight to well fit in their clothes much better, they may also improve the self esteem and enjoy the better night sleep.

Enough night sleep is necessary to stay healthy. Lack of sleep may lead to various problems such as metabolic disorders that can greatly impact your metabolism. Alteration in metabolism may end up in getting much weight into the body and also have an increased risk of diabetes.

Research is made on many who follow daily exercise regime and also diet interventions for patients with hypertension and obesity. From this study it became clear that so many people have informed that they have sleeping problems. With this study it became clear that the people, who tried to lose excess weight and also reduce the blood pressure, are only the people having the problem with sleep.

From these studies it has been proved that weight loss, whether this is with only dietary changes or even from exercise combined with diet, can be helpful in improving the quality of night sleep in people that are obese or overweight.

For 6 months of study researchers had enroller total 77 people that are obese. Their BMI and also the abdominal fat amount were measured in the beginning and also at the end of the study. Within those 77 people, some people were assigned to the supervised exercise and weight loss diet and others were gone on dietary changes. On average both the groups were lost almost same amount of fat. Although so many problems regarding sleep were reported by participants. From this study, it was proved that the key ingredient to improve the quality of sleep is reducing the overall body fat, and particularly the belly fat.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California


4. December 2012 12:38 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Tips


Is your weight loss painful? Are you desperately trying to loss excess fat and for this avoiding your favourite foods and squeezing in workouts?

Yet while having healthy food and slipping in the exercises does take few work, really it doesn't have to need heroic effort. Just making very simple changes in lifestyle can pack the big weight loss punch for long time. Eating very quickly can lead to gain the weight again, but knowing how to lose isn't that much easy as it sounds. Here are some tips to lose your weight:

Fuel Up on Right Breakfast:

Having the right morning meals is important to get your weight loss on track back. Select a breakfast, which includes the balance of fibre and lean protein. Having the foods that are high in insoluble fibre can help to move the things along with your body and also eliminate bloat.

Reset The Ideas Regarding Portions:

If the meal size increased on holidays, then use portion control tricks to be back on track. But the goal is actually to feel comfortably full not overstuffed.

Make Some Simple Food Swaps:

Using spices instead of fat in your dishes can combat with inflated waistline feeling and also boost the flavour.

Eat Melon:

Cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon are usually high liquid fruits that can help to flush out toxins and then relieve bloat and water retention. Eat a cup of chopped fruit in the morning.

Start the Diet with Plant Based Protein:

To boost your healthy eating habits, stay away from cook lean protein and white rice.  Eat plant based foods like lentils and beans. From these you can get fibre and lean protein, which is essential to feel better.

Know About the Carbs to Avoid:

Carbs are not completely bad. When you want to the metabolism as a clean state, then carbohydrates can help you to slim down.

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29. November 2012 13:23 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery-Aftercare

Weight loss surgery can alter every aspect of the life. By having a successful surgery you’ll become healthy, look different, and probably you will feel much better.

However the changes may run much deeper than those. Most of your old behaviors, habits will have to changed. This can change your feelings about yourself, relationships with others, and also your total way of living.

After having weight loss surgery you have to face another important phase that is aftercare. This is the phase in which an experienced physician will observe your day to day progress and also help you to lose the desired amount of weight in a healthiest possible way. After having weight loss surgery, patients need to follow the strict rules in regards to their general lifestyle and also dieting.

If you want to undergo the weight loss surgery it is necessary to know exactly what to expect and for what you are committing yourself. Here are some important changes that you may face followed by the weight loss surgery.

·         Primary Recovery: How much time it will need to get recovered? That will based on the type of surgical treatment you had. For adjustable gastric banding recovery time is less as compared to gastric bypass surgery. You can ask your doctor about this.

·         Post Surgical Risks: Same as any kind of surgery, this also has side effects and risks. The weight loss surgery risks include blood clots, infections, and pneumonia.  Late complication may also occur; these include bowel obstruction or hernia development. Erosion around the band and band slippage are uncommon complications, but they may also occur.

Generally all these risks are very much lower for the minimally invasive surgery and even when it is carried out by an experienced surgeon. It is very important to follow the doctor’s advice for faster recovery, and know about the symptoms which require immediate checkup:

·         Eating Habits: Weight loss surgery can dramatically change your eating the way you eat. Meals might have reduced than previous. You should have small amounts of meals very slowly and chew properly. Usually doctors recommend small meals a day and that to specific foods only. Generally drinking during the meals is not advised. Because it can wash out the food from stomach very quickly and also interfere with the feeling of fullness.

·         Nutrition: Prior to the surgery, getting nutrients was very easy, but after having weight loss surgery patient have to eat much less, so it is essential to have much nutrient food after surgery. Consult your doctor for advice on the healthy post operative care.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

19. November 2012 09:17 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Healthy Child Birth after Weight Loss Surgery

A research at Laval University found that babies born to women after weight loss surgery have few cardiovascular risks when compared with their siblings born before the weight loss surgery. This happens due to the metabolic changes and also the weight loss surgery has good impact on the inflammatory diseases.  Weight loss surgery for a mother affects the genes of the child and leads to several diseases and risks. Researches on bariatric surgery by Laval University revealed that children born to mothers who undergo bilio pancreatic operation will have less chances of obesity and they will also have good insulin resistance and the child will have lower risk of cardiovascular disease and the blood pressure will be normal.

The research was carried out by taking the blood samples of 25 children who were born to mothers before the bilio pancreatic surgery and the blood samples from other 25 children who were born to mothers after the bilio pancreatic surgery. The body mass index of the mothers was 45 before the surgery and BMI was 27 after the surgery on an average. The DNA was tested by a special tool from the blood samples taken from the mothers and their children in order to find out the changes caused in genes by the process called methylation. When tested, it was found that the methylation levels were unlike in both the children, the children who were born to mothers after the surgery and the children born to the mothers before the surgery. Research revealed that 5500 genes were different in the children who were born before and after the surgery to the mothers. There will be very high impact on the children born to the mother after the surgery and there will be great effect on the metabolic rates and methylation levels.

Basically the research tells that maternal obesity will affect the obesity of the child and also increases the cardiovascular risk.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

27. August 2012 15:42 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Why You Are Not Losing Weight?

If you have been strictly adhering to a healthy fitness and eating plan for a while but you are failing to lose the weight, if you really desire to lose your weight, why you aren’t losing it?

This is the time to look at the reasons for your failure. The simple answer is, as much as you want to lose fat, there is something you need to do even more, which is direct conflict to the weight loss. From physical factors to dieting blunders, check for the reasons for your failure in losing weight.

What you need to do more is avoid your painful feelings of depression, aloneness and emptiness that come from the self-abandonment and also painful feelings of life such as heartbreak, loneliness helplessness and grief over others, circumstances and events.

Even you may read so many diet books and trying each and every diet and weight loss methods, but if you are failed in managing your personal feelings, then all those methods won’t bring any results and finally you will not keep your weight off.

It is true that food can numb your temporary feelings, by doing many other kinds of addiction, but finally addictions bring about more pain in terms of adding weight. Many obese and overweight people are continuing to feel empty, depressed, alone and anxious.

Using food in order to numb your pain is a way of self-abdomen to manage painful feelings. If you learn the way of managing pain, then only you can lose or even maintain weight loss.

Really if you want to lose your weight……..

You should be like a compulsive eater, so that you can know what food you need to use to avoid feelings. Turn to new daily routine into the way of your life, which can protect you from past patterns and behaviors.

If you are unable to keep your weight off even you follow any kind of method, weight loss surgery is the last resort left for you. But prior making any decision on any kind of surgery, be sure to consult a weight loss surgeon.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

22. August 2012 08:23 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Why Bariatric Surgery Is The Solution For Obesity?

Obesity has increased a lot nowadays. Most of the people whom you meet are facing the trouble with obesity and are trying for different surgical options available in the market to deal with obesity. People who are facing issues with obesity are trying for various surgeries and various weight loss treatments but for many, lap band surgery is one of the best logical solutions. According to the nationwide research report, people who weight more than 100 pounds are increasing day-by-day and the percentage of these people is 70. Whatever might be the reason the severely obese people number is growing very rapidly when compared with the moderately obese people.

As the benefits of bariatric surgery increased, many people chose bariatric surgery for weight loss. A recent study proved that 20,000 people who reduced weight by bariatric surgery also reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Researches and studies proved that there are many positive benefits of different weight loss surgeries and there is a very great and permanent result for the obese people by the bariatric surgery. As number of obese people is increasing day by day the bariatric surgeries and weight loss treatments are also increasing.

Lap band surgery is an invasive technique and most preferred surgery for weight loss. This surgery uses a small laparoscopic camera. The laparoscopic camera is placed with a band near the area where the weight loss treatment is required and then the bariatric surgery is done. The surgery should be carried out with a well-known experienced weight loss surgeon. As no two patients will be alike, the doctor should have good knowledge on the surgery and good experience to carry out the surgery appropriately. After the surgery, the diet should be taken as suggested by the doctor and all the precautions should be taken as suggested by the surgeon. Lap band surgery gives good results when treated by a good doctor and when all the suggestions given by the doctor are followed by the patient.

 Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

13. August 2012 14:27 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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