Life After the Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery will change the lifestyle, but not in short time fix. This surgery will take some time to see you as how you want and how others look you after cracking weight loss.

Life after bariatric surgery needs an extreme modification in life cycle, including person’s eating style, food items and timings because some changes require in stomach at the time of surgery. After the surgery, person’s  life involves some other significant changes, such as engaging in some daily exercise and follow-up surgeries which will take off excess skin and cholesterol. Bariatric surgery can accomplish more attractive results in the form of weight loss.

Activities after Bariatric surgery: After the surgery, before you leave from the hospital, you need to stand up and walk around a bit and also it is more important to walk surroundings several times in a day. One more important thing is, you will need some assistance before leaving the hospital and also at home. Patients are recouping at different rates. Some need assistance for one day, while some Patients may need for several weeks. Patients can often drive after two weeks from the surgery date and can continue normal activities in 6 to 8 weeks. This period may vary and depend on the surgery type that the patient has undergone.

After bariatric surgery changes can occur in life they include:

Diet: After the surgery changes should be made to your eating habits. The net eating style should fit with the altered gastrointestinal tract then only successful weight loss can be possible. Dietary guidelines vary depending on the surgeon and procedure which is used in the surgery. It is very important to fallow surgeon’s guidelines.

Work after surgery: Depending on person’s ability and physical condition, most of the people able to get back to their routine work after their bariatric surgery. People who have had open surgery can do so 6 weeks after surgery.

Support Groups: Through support groups, patients can discuss their personal problems and experiences which can give more relief to them. Existing heals and emotional issues with overweight cannot be immediately resolved by this surgery. It is important to go through the post surgical support groups which can help to acquire great levels of success in weight loss surgery.

Pregnancy control: This is strictly advised by the surgeons that the women who have underwent the surgery at childbearing age have to use effective methods of birth control up to sixteen to twenty four months after this surgery.

Medications: Surgery person pain counseling medication may be in the sort of local anesthetic. The person will need soporific medications to negotiate their pains and also need continue to maintenance medications, such as more blood pressure and high cholesterol etc. has to be monitored.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

24. May 2013 06:52 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery for Children

Several studies said that weight loss surgery should only be considered for severely obese children in the highest five percent of BMI. Weight loss surgery is on the rise for adults, but it can also be used as the last resort for children who are suffering from extreme obesity.

Children who have already tried using non-invasive methods but not experience significant results can lose their weight by considering weight loss surgeries. Several researchers advice that parents and health care providers should encourage lifestyle changes for their children who are suffering from severe obesity, prior choosing more drastic procedures such as bariatric surgery.

For children who are undergoing bariatric surgery, the risks of the surgery and long-term safety and effectiveness in children remain mostly unknown. Childhood obesity can lead to most severe health complications such as diabetes, high blood pressure and abnormal blood fats.

For adults, bariatric surgery has been proven as an effective option to lose weight, but for children there is little data available on the safety and effectiveness of the surgery. Scientists advised that surgery should only be considered for children who have a body mass index above 50 and have severe health complication due to excess weight.

Researchers finally stated that prevention and policies should encourage children to improve the diet and maintain an active lifestyle.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

18. May 2013 18:09 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery May Help Severely Obese Women to Resolve Sexual Dysfunction

Morbidly obese women are more likely to be sexually dysfunctional. So, bariatric surgery not only helps women to lose weight, it can also resolve or improve female sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction is a most prevalent and difficult condition that greatly affects a woman’s health as well as quality of life.

Few researchers said that bariatric surgery can greatly improve sexual dysfunction in women and it doesn’t seem to matter if a woman undergoes gastric bypass or laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding.

Generally, morbidly obese people are 75-100 pounds weight and have a BMI of 40 or more. People with BMI 35 and above are usually suffered from obesity related diseases such as diabetes, sleep apnea, heart attack, etc. All these conditions can directly or indirectly lead to sexual dysfunction in women.

Most common bariatric surgery methods that women can undergo to deal with the condition of sexual dysfunction include laparoscopic gastric bypass and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB).

There are numerous improvements in various aspects of the quality of life and mood that we can expect to see during this initial period. The psychological impact of weight loss can be significant. Even if there is a small amount of weight loss, women have more confidence, and that alone can make a big difference for some.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

10. May 2013 07:42 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Red Wine May Help To Lose Weight

When it comes to losing weight, drinking red wine could help. Red wine appeares to be the best in aiding weight loss. Resveratol weight loss is now the talk on a controversy, resveratol is said to be found in red wine and can also be found on grapes and grape juice.

There are various reasons why alcohol might help women stay trim. When we consume more alcohol, we used to eat less amounts. People spend more energy after drinking alcohol. Reservatol is found in red wine which is believed to play a great role in maintaining a healthy diet. This component works with a gene in our body that helps promoting good health and weight loss.

Drinking red wine in large amounts can’t be suggestible. It is recommended to drink healthier amounts, and then it will make a difference in your weight loss.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

4. May 2013 08:11 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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