Facts about Weight Loss Surgery

Many experts said that weight loss surgery is not a permanent solution to lose weight. The fact is that it should only be considered only when all the positives outweigh the negatives.

Weight loss surgery includes either affecting the way your body absorbs the food or limiting the size of the stomach with surgical staples. Surgical adjustable strap or surgical staples greatly reduce the size of the stomach to a great extent.

Also, restricting the absorption of foods is also a more complex procedure and it affects the way that your body gets calories from the diet. The primary choice is ignoring a large part of the small intestines, so you are less likely to ingest the food and exerted more of untreated wastes. The other option to lose weight is changing how and when the digestive acids are mixed with the food. Pancreatic juice and bile acids serve as a digestive aid for breaking the food, so that the food can be absorbed easily.

Most surgeons prefer to do a combination of the above procedures and increase the chances of reducing more weight to the patient. However, weight loss surgery can be considered as a last option and is not a permanent solution.

Weight loss surgery is worth considering for severely obese people. Your ability to set goals and be with them is another factor to consider while determining whether the surgery is worth considering it. Though the surgery helps you to lose weight immediately, surgery alone is not sufficient for long-term weight loss. Along with the reduction in your stomach pouch, you have to limit the amount of food you eat. If you think that you may not follow the weight loss surgeon’s instructions after the surgery, then surgery may not be the good option for you. These are the only few factors that can help you lose weight.

21. October 2011 19:39 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Latest Trends in Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is the long term effective treatment for obese people who are not satisfied with regular diet procedures, exercise and medication. The number of obese people undergoing weight loss surgery is increasing annually. Bariatric surgery usually uses the methodologies of gastric banding, gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy.  Rather than making larger incisions, surgeons founded newer and safer advanced technologies in bariatric surgery. Here are the new trends in weight loss surgery:

Robot assisted weight loss Surgery:

Robot assisted modern procedure utilizes a Da Vinci robot device to perform surgery. Obese people who undergo this bariatric procedure will have less and they can heal faster. There is no complication in this surgery and it is a safer modern bariatric surgery and also cost effective. There are only few professionals can be able to perform this robot assisted bariatric surgery during these days.

Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES):

This surgery is performed in the perinoteal cavity, by accessing a hollow viscous. In this process the professor uses the mouth, vagina or belly button for bariatric procedure. Small camera and surgical instruments are inserted in the treated gaps, the abdomen is either trimmed or a small bag is sewed into it. There is no incision in this bariatric surgery.  A woman patient may have fear of this surgery because it is done in the vagina but there is no pain because there are no cuts in the skin which reduces the infection. This technique is in review because of using internal organs there may be chance of damage.

Endoluminal surgery:

It is performed by combining invasive and flexible endoscopy surgeries. Endoluminal process is performed in lumen of gastrointestinal.  It uses endobarrier in these nutrients which are partially digested can be transformed to distal intestine.  It has low complications and safer process and there is no incision in this endoluminal surgery.

Single incision surgery:

This surgery is becoming very popular and gaining impression of medical surgeons worldwide. In this surgery a ½ inch of incision is made inside the belly button or in the umbilicus and uses surgical tools with small incision.

 Laparoscopic greater curvature plication (LGCP):

This weight loss process is quite different from the other bariatric procedures. It uses no device or stomach resection. Stomach size can be reduced by non absorbable sutures. It is faster weight loss procedure. The technique involves the dissection of his angel and the fat is removed followed by dissection of greater gastric curvature. And next it is divided from the omentum which is large fatty structure. It has many benefits and no leakage and less risk.

Duodenal jejuna bypass surgery (DJB):

DJB procedure involves a bypass of stomach preserving of small intestine region. The amount of bypassed is equal to the bypassed amount in gastric bypass. It may reverse type2 diabetes for some obese people.

These modern bariatric procedures are beneficial to obese patients with no risks, cost effective and long term weight loss.

19. October 2011 19:01 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery to Decrease the Risk of Heart Disease

In recent studies found that more than twenty percent of heart disease people have high cholesterol. Excessive weight puts significant risk on heart which may cause many heart problems. Most heart disease risk factors can be controlled by weight loss surgery. By making some changes in lifestyle, good exercise and maintaining proper diet you can actually reduce your risk for heart disease. Foods rich in sugar and saturated fat lead to obesity. Bariatric weight loss surgery has several benefits from weight related illnesses for obese people. For severely obese people, lifestyle changes are not effective for losing weight. Bariatric weight loss surgery is the best way to show good results in severely obese people.

Bariatric weight loss surgery is the controllable risk factor for many diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, obstructive sleep apnea, asthma and kidney failures. Weight loss surgery is associated with 30 to 50 percent risk reduction from heart attack. Health professionals found that risk of obesity related diseases can be cured from weight loss surgery such as gastric banding, gastric bypass or any other weight loss surgery.

There are mainly three weight loss procedures gastric banding, gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy. In Bariatric weight loss surgery, the surgeon will make the stomach smaller to hold small amount of food. Because of smaller portion of stomach pouch with less food, you will feel full and take fewer calories which stops from weight gain. High percentage of body fat puts obese people at greater risk of heart failures. Weight loss surgery has no pain, quick recovery and weight reduction. Patient should take liquid diet after the weight loss surgery until their digestive system is adjusted to normal. In the new study, people who have undergone weight loss surgery are less likely to have heart diseases.

According to new study bariatric weight loss surgery patients were 80 percent less likely to develop any heart disease when compared with their equally overweight people who did not undergo weight loss surgery. People who had higher cholesterol, higher blood sugar levels and higher body fat have increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

A professional physician suggests bariatric surgery to treat heart diseases with weight loss. There are several surgical procedures for weight reduction to treat obese related diseases. All these procedures can cause significant weight loss to recover from many diseases. The researchers suggest that by keeping normal weight and taking proper diet and practicing exercise is key point for health. It is very important to follow good eating habits to ensure good health and to prevent from any diseases.

14. October 2011 02:13 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Surgery for Beginners Who Don’t Know What It Is

If you are new to the topic of bariatric surgery, then you have come to the right place. The whole idea of this surgery is to cure extreme obesity. Accumulation of fatty tissues and excess weight can lead to morbid obesity.

Bariatric surgery is final option for people who have tried several weight reducing methods such as dieting and exercising. If you are a person belong to this category and want to consider bariatric surgery, there are several factors that you should be aware of.

The cost of the surgery. Bariatric surgery is not covered by most health insurance policies because this can be considered as a cosmetic method. But there are some instances where the surgery is necessary to protect your health condition. During such cases, a portion or all the surgery cost is covered by your health insurance policy.

There are several types of bariatric surgery procedures. All the procedures are identical, but the only difference is the process that differs from country to country or even surgeon to surgeon. The main idea behind the surgery is to make you feel full quickly making you to consume less food and finally losing the weight. Remember that this surgery is not only for weight loss; even after the recovery it helps you to maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise.

Gastric bypass surgery is one of the bariatric surgeries that involve splitting your stomach into 2 pouches. Upper pouch is smaller of the two and lower one is larger. After completing the procedure, the surgeon then reattaches small intestine to both the pouches. This surgery is a safe and proven effective for several people, but the major part of this procedure is recovery. During the recovery, you should be prepared for the new diet and exercise program.

If you want to know more about any kind of bariatric surgeries, do all your research to find out whether you are a suitable candidate. Searching online helps you find several resources based on the surgery. After searching all the necessary options for weight loss, still if you feel that bariatric surgery is only the choice for you, then you need to consult a surgeon to know their opinion. A surgeon may help you in all the aspects of the surgery, such as benefits, risks and also refer you other professionals who are specialized in bariatric surgery.

12. October 2011 02:29 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Importance of Body Contouring after Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery and body contouring are the most common and more expensive surgeries these days. Body contouring helps patient’s skin fit their new body. After a massive amount of weight loss, most patients have loose and saggy skin that can cause wounds, rashes, infection and limit comfortable mobility.

Body contouring after a significant weight loss improves the shape and tones the underlying tissues that support fat and skin and removes excess sagging fat and skin.

Typical problems that occur after a significant weight loss include:

Loss of breast volume, droopiness or breast ptosis: Most women consider breast lift after weight loss. It can be done with or without the addition of breast implants to remove the shape, cleavage and fullness. For men there are various breast reduction techniques available based on the extent of correction required.

Sagging of the facial skin: Facelift, forehead lift and eyelid surgery are the required procedures to achieve complete facial rejuvenation.

Excess abdominal skin: Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty or lower body lift is the most preferred procedure after weight loss surgery. Total lower body lift can help to contour the entire lower body such as hips, abdomen, buttocks, outer and posterior thighs.

Skin hanging under the arms: Arm lift surgery is the needed procedure to lift and tighten the skin of the arms.

Wrinkling and excessive bagginess of the thighs: A thigh lift surgery can lift the inner thighs, while a lower body lift can deal with the outer and posterior parts of the thighs.

8. October 2011 06:03 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass Roux-En-Y works by using surgical staples in order to make small pouch at the top of your stomach. Then a segment of a small intestine is attached to this pouch. The stapled stomach only holds one ounce of fluid. Also, the surgery constructs a tiny stomach outlet that reduces the speed food leaves the stomach.

Due to the smaller stomach size, you feel full for only small amount of food and for a longer period of time. Roux-En-Y gastric bypass surgery can be considered by people who have BM of 40 or higher or people who have BMI 35 or higher and have obesity related diseases.

This surgery decreases the stomach volume by 90% and the gastric bypass pouch is formed where the stomach is least susceptible to stretching. People who have gone through Roux-En-Y gastric bypass surgery should change their lifestyle, dietary, and behavioral changes.

Not only Roux-En-Y gastric bypass surgery helps to reduce weight, also it helps with diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, gastric reflux and improves fertility.

Similar to any other surgical procedure, Roux-En-Y gastric bypass surgery also have some difficulties. It causes intestinal obstruction, dumping syndrome, behavioral and lifestyle changes, more frequent bowel movements, nutritional deficiency, etc.

5. October 2011 06:16 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Facts about Lap Band Surgery

Lap band surgery is the fastest growing invasive laparoscopic weight loss surgery program in US. Lap band process help patients in losing weight up to 90 percent of their excess body weight when diet and exercise do not help in losing the unwanted weight .Knowing facts about lap band surgery will help you to decide whether to go for it or not. The main theme of the lap band surgery is to help in restricting caloric intake in people who are obese and are tired after trying with all severe weight loss programs. The lap band surgery process is a proven one, safe, less painful with fewer complications, quicker recovery and effective method of weight loss worldwide.

Lap band is a flexible band that is placed around the upper part of the stomach with very few slits. Small tubes are injected into the skin of the stomach through notches to the operating part and are connected to the system after it is in proper place. Adjustments are made to the lap band through the access port directly under the skin. Especially intended devices and cameras are injected from the tubes to do surgery. Camera will take the pictures and then sends to the monitor which helps surgeon to look into the abdomen.

Lap band helps in reducing the weight loss through confining food consumption by slowing digestion. By restraining the food taken at each time reduces the hunger sensation and help individual to eat less which helps in reducing great amount of weight. The gastric pouch formed by gastric bands will reduce the amount of food taken and slows the clearing process from the abdomen to the intestines. The lesser the pouch the lesser is the digestion rate and you will feel fuller sooner and for longer time. The band is adjusted and lets you take the less or more food as required.

The lap band can be adjusted during surgery. Below the skin, access port will be created and it is linked to gastric band through tubing. Inflating or deflating can be done through saline and is effortlessly added or it can be removed by the doctor through the access port by means of thin needle. Adjusting the incision is a different feature of lap band surgery.

There are several rules to be followed during the lap band surgery:

  • The person who wants to undergo the lap band surgery should have 18 years of age.
  • Patient must have a BMI greater than 40 and 100lb weight.
  • Patient should have a serious history of all other weight loss programs attempts.
  • Patient must suffer from over weight for a period of at least 5 years.
  • Women, who are pregnant and other conditions which enhance weight gain, are not eligible for the lap band surgery.
  • Emotionally the person must ready to undergo the lap band surgery and must be ready to follow all the changes which support the surgical process.

Apart from all the advantages there are also has some risks associated with lap band surgery. With lap band surgery there is a risk of death both during and after the process. It is very important to discuss all the risks associated with the surgery with a medical professional prior to the surgery.

2. October 2011 18:22 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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