Weight Loss And Menopause

Research has suggested that weight loss could help in banishing the symptoms of menopause. Women who are at menopause stage, losing weight by eating low-fat food rich in vegetables and fruits could eliminate or reduce their night sweats and hot flashes. The researches encourage doctors to suggest menopausal patients about weight loss before recommending the hormone replacement treatment.

Most of the women are unwilling to undergo hormonal therapy treatment as they afraid that the treatment can increase the risk of heart disease and breast cancer.

From recent studies it has been proved that losing weight can reduce certain hormones levels, which trigger symptoms. Women who are obese tend to produce higher levels of estrogen hormone that may aggravate night sweats and hot flashes. And having excess fat also prevents the body from cooling down followed by the flash.

Women who will lose weight with this healthier diet- increasing fruits, vegetables, whole grains and decreasing fat were specifically more likely to eliminate or reduce symptoms.

As most of the women can gain with as their age increase, weight gain prevention or weight loss may provide a visible strategy in order to help in eliminating night sweats and hot flashes that are associated with the menopause stage. Greater body weight provides insulation, which may hinder hot flashes, night sweats and heat loss offer a way to reduce the heat.

Women with the menopausal problems who were on the low fat foods rich in fruits, vegetable and whole grains, who were not undergoing hormone replacement treatment and who lost minimum 10 pounds of body weight in a year are more likely to observe hot flashes and night sweats disappear or reduced after a year than women who were maintained their healthy weight. Especially weight loss is loss of the excess fat but not the lean mass, which help in alleviating the night sweats and hot flashes.

When you have tried all those methods and didn’t notice any change in your weight, it is better to consider weight loss surgery. But before going to make any decision be sure to consult an experienced weight loss surgeon

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

25. July 2012 13:17 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Good Behaviors for Weight Loss

Still you are looking for the magic weight loss trick? From a recent study it has been proven that some behaviors can help your weight loss program. Particularly these researchers found that:

·         Women who want to lose weight are following food journals continuously.

·         Women who are skipping meals lost 8 pounds fewer than who did not.

·         Women who are eating out for lunch at least once in a week are losing 5 pounds less weight than who are eating less frequently.

Following the Daily Food Journal- Important Behavior That Can Help Most:

For people who are trying to lose excess weight, the primary suggestion based on the results of study is to keep the food journal in order to meet the scheduled calorie goals. It is very difficult to alter your diet, if you are not concentrating on what you are eating.

Don’t Skip Your Meals:

The researchers found that this is the next key weight-loss strategy, which is to eat at frequent intervals and don’t skip meals. Fasting or skipping meals might cause an individual to respond more to foods that contain high-calories and therefore they consume more calorie food. Skipping meals can also cluster along with other types of behaviors.

Don’t eat out:

Frequent eating outside can be an obstruction for making the healthy diet choices. Eating out usually means individual control is less over cooking methods and ingredients, and also larger sizes. Due to the lack of control and awareness over what actually you are eating. An individual can’t limit the ingredients, which are used in the restaurant dishes or even their cooking methods, and they also lose the control over the portion size.

Some other Good Behaviors:

Apart from these habits for weight loss, researchers also found that having fewer calories through carbohydrates and fats and measuring and weighing food items were linked with the successful weight loss.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

16. July 2012 10:07 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Recovery After Bariatric Surgery

The quickest wayfor obese people to lose their weight is by undergoing the bariatric surgery. Being obese can result in several health risks to a person. This procedure is helpful for people who are obese to attain the balanced weight.

Remember that weight loss surgery is not a complete cure but it is a tool to help them to reduce the excess body weight. By adhering to these follow-up tips, recovering from surgery can be quicker and less complicated.

In home:

You must be comfortable in your home. Remember not to lift or carry anything more than 20 pounds for first 6 weeks. Participate in daily activities. Shower very carefully. If your skin becomes red around staples don't worry, call the doctor if redness becomes severe or if you're experiencing drainage or pain.

Adjust Your Dietary Habits:

Pay close attention to the daily diet as this is very important in the process of recovery. Quantity of your food will be restricted significantly as compared to the normal consumption. During first few weeks after having the surgery you can have only liquids. Once you have slowly started consuming solid foods, you should be aware of the micro and macronutrients.

Change the Exercise Routine:

With the help of your physician's approval gradually start the exercise routine after you have healed adequately. Over time, your own physical fitness routine should develop to approximately 2.30 hours of activity for every week.

Routine Follow-up Visits to Healthcare Provider:

In order to ensure your overall wellbeing in the first critical months following bariatric surgery, ensure to visit your doctor frequently. You should undergo the blood testing for every 3 months to monitor your glucose, blood count, and creatinine levels. In order to find any nutritional deficits, you should undergo the blood testing for every 6 months.

30. January 2012 16:30 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Effects of Weight Loss Surgery on Metabolism

The energy needed by our body can be acquired through metabolism; it is the chemical reaction in the body, which converts the food in to energy. Specific proteins and acids in the body control the metabolism, and each and every chemical reaction is accommodated with other functions of the body. The body can regulate thousands of chemical reaction of metabolism that will keep our cells working and healthy.

Weight loss surgery can change the lifestyle of the human beings. It affects the eating habits, activities, and behavior of body metabolism. Changes can occur in the gastro intestinal system. It affects the digestive system and chemical reactions of the body, and also decreases the metabolic syndrome. Weight loss surgery gives an effective and fast weight loss. It also helps to fight against the metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a group of medical conditions, which leads to an increased risk of heart diseases, diabetes, and other health problems. From most of the studies it is analyzed that weight loss surgery can help in preventing high blood pressure, heart strokes , which are caused by metabolic syndrome  and enhances the normal functioning of the body.

Weight loss surgery causes injury to the stomach and abdominal wall, and that changes the walking and sittings of the biomechanics. Thus it reduces the intake of food, from that automatically the system of metabolism gets affected.

Due to these surgeries the body shrinks in waistline and at the same time the working and living space of the internal organs is reduced. The cavity size of the abdomen is decreased, and then the internal organs get compressed. This will affect the digestion system by reducing the chemical reactions.

After one year of the surgery, patients who are suffering from metabolic syndrome lost 30% of their weight, it is an average calculation. The patients’ blood pressure, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol were reduced. Through the adjustable gastric banding surgery most of the patients reversed their metabolism. The metabolic syndrome reversal can mostly happen with gastric bypass surgery. Metabolism mostly depends on the percentage of weight loss.

13. January 2012 19:00 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Cutting Carbs from The Diet Can Encourage Weight Loss

According to new study, cutting carbohydrates from the diet for at least two days a week can encourage weight loss.

Also, researchers found that women who particularly cut carbs from their diet for two days and eating normally for the remaining days of the week have dropped about 9 pounds on average when compared to the women who cut 1500 calories every day from the diet.

Some studies proved that limiting the carbohydrate intake has the similar effects that are shown from restricting the energy. Low-carb diet helps people to lose weight because it allows people to still eat foods that are satisfying and fulfilling.

Researchers are now trying to find a low-carb diet that will be easier for women because obesity and the changes it brings to a woman’s body can increase the risk of breast cancer. So, losing weight can decrease the risk of breast cancer. Family history of breast cancer can also increase its incidence.

The doctors recommend that this something that every obese individual should try at home. Just you need to considerably cut down the carbohydrate intake for two days a week and the only thing is you need to eat sensibly for the rest of the week.

For the two days on which you are on low-carb diet should eat healthy protein and healthy fat, but avoid eating pasta, bread, root vegetables like carrots, parsnips and potatoes. For the low-carb days, you can eat one piece of fruit. Some other foods you can eat include: nuts, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, and eggplant.

Even you don’t experience any results with the diet or any other techniques, you can consult a weight loss surgeon to know about the better options.

9. December 2011 03:38 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

What to Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

It is a non-reversible surgery and is performed under general anesthesia and needs 1-2 hours. It needs one or two days hospital stay. The recovery after gastric sleeve surgery takes few weeks time.

Your abdomen becomes swollen and sore for few days. The surgeon may suggest pain medicines to reduce the discomfort. There will be some scarring that can be covered with clothing.

After the surgery, you should be very careful about your eating habits and the solid foods you are consuming. For first few weeks, you need to stick to the liquid diet, then semi solid foods, then pureed foods and finally you can start with solid foods.

People who have undergone the surgery may lose 50-80 percent of the excess body weight for the first six months or up to one year. Several studies proved that people after undergoing the gastric sleeve surgery may get improvements in their diabetes, blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea within one or two years. All these health improvements are comparable with the other weight loss surgeries.

Since, gastric sleeve is a totally new surgery, there is a limited data available on long-term weight loss or upon any other health improvements. After the surgery recovery, you will notice certain lifestyle changes and essential follow-up care. People who have gastric sleeve surgery should follow:

  • Regular exercise
  • Some behavioral modification techniques
  • Specific dietary guidelines for the rest of the life, such as:

a. Eat slowly and eat small quantities each time consuming the food
b. Chew thoroughly and swallow the food only when it is mashed
c. Also, not eating and drinking the food at the same time

3. December 2011 09:16 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Sexual Life after Weight Loss Surgery

Obese women and men who lose significant amount of weight after weight loss surgery may have more satisfying sex than in their past life. Obesity can cause various problems in men and women that can greatly affect their sexual life. So, undergoing weight loss surgery may help in enhancing their sexual life.

For obese men, shortness of breath and erectile dysfunction can greatly affect their sexual life. Obese men after undergoing a weight loss surgery, they have increased levels of testosterone that can benefit during the intercourse.

For obese women, estrogen is stored in the fat. These women after undergoing a weight loss surgery feel an increase in their libido.

Weight loss and declining BMIs in men who had the surgery were directly linked with increases in all measures of testosterone levels, declines in levels of the female sex hormone estradiol and improvements in self-reported sexual quality of life.

The physical, physiological and psycho emotional changes which occur following weight loss surgery can have positive effects on the person's sexual life.

20. November 2011 07:24 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery for Teens

Weight loss surgery for teen is becoming more popular even though many people questions about the safety and effectiveness of the surgery for teens. Though the surgery helps most young people to lose weight, there are many unknowns about how the procedure affects their long-term health.

The benefits of the surgery in the teen-aged population is that it can prevent the diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol that we're starting to see in teenagers who are already obese. When comes to the risks, there are not many higher complications associated with the surgery. Few complications associated with the surgery are bleeding and infection.

Also the effect of complications can depend on the type of weight loss surgery that you have undergone. Some immediate post operative complications such as lung problems and kidney failure can affect few teens. But, the lap band surgery which is more popular is not FDA approved to use for children.

3. November 2011 08:57 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Facts about Weight Loss Surgery

Many experts said that weight loss surgery is not a permanent solution to lose weight. The fact is that it should only be considered only when all the positives outweigh the negatives.

Weight loss surgery includes either affecting the way your body absorbs the food or limiting the size of the stomach with surgical staples. Surgical adjustable strap or surgical staples greatly reduce the size of the stomach to a great extent.

Also, restricting the absorption of foods is also a more complex procedure and it affects the way that your body gets calories from the diet. The primary choice is ignoring a large part of the small intestines, so you are less likely to ingest the food and exerted more of untreated wastes. The other option to lose weight is changing how and when the digestive acids are mixed with the food. Pancreatic juice and bile acids serve as a digestive aid for breaking the food, so that the food can be absorbed easily.

Most surgeons prefer to do a combination of the above procedures and increase the chances of reducing more weight to the patient. However, weight loss surgery can be considered as a last option and is not a permanent solution.

Weight loss surgery is worth considering for severely obese people. Your ability to set goals and be with them is another factor to consider while determining whether the surgery is worth considering it. Though the surgery helps you to lose weight immediately, surgery alone is not sufficient for long-term weight loss. Along with the reduction in your stomach pouch, you have to limit the amount of food you eat. If you think that you may not follow the weight loss surgeon’s instructions after the surgery, then surgery may not be the good option for you. These are the only few factors that can help you lose weight.

21. October 2011 19:39 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery Success Depends On The Right Surgeon

The decision of having weight loss surgery is a big turn in everyone’s life. It might be a mixture of something that you choose to do or something that your doctor has recommended you to consider. Whatever might be the reason; there are various things that you need to consider prior making your final decision.

Most obese people are afraid of the stories that come from people who have undergone the surgery. So, it is very important to do proper research and find the right surgeon for your weight loss success. Before beginning your search for the right surgeon, you need to prepare a list of questions that will be asked.

When you consult your surgeon, initially you need to know whether you are a right person to undergo among the various weight loss procedures. After that you need to know why the surgeon recommends that particular procedure. Then know how many of this kind of procedures the doctor has previously performed and know the reviews from the patients.

Don’t go with general surgeons; you need to find a surgeon who is specialized in the particular field of weight loss surgery. This way, you can be sure that you will get the best based on the surgeon’s experience. If the surgeon is not willing to answer your questions or takes time to answer the questions, then you need to consider that he/she may not be the right choice. Look for more experienced surgeon in the field of weight loss surgeries.

4. September 2011 07:54 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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